Sunday, August 25, 2013

Disaster With the Breadmaker

I’m part of this amazing group called HER Way of Networking.  After each meeting we are assigned homework.  Our meetings are actually trainings about activities to build our businesses.  This last week we talked about the importance of blogging to build our business.  Our homework was to create a blog so here goes . . .

I thought I’d talk about my efforts to eat healthier and drop several pounds by avoiding prepackaged food and actually cooking for a change.  This is NOT easy for me.  I am the microwave queen.  Brian Regan’s joke about the microwaved pop-tarts is so appropriate. Watch it here.  It's hysterical!

Anyways, I borrowed a bread maker from a friend about a year or so ago.  Tonight is the 3rd time I’ve used it.  It’s been sitting out on my counter for over a week now because that’s how long I’ve been intending to make a loaf of bread.  My first attempt at a loaf of white bread went surprisingly well.  My husband actually liked the bread and ate it.  You would understand how big of a deal this is if you knew how “selective” of an eater my husband is.  My second attempt was a loaf of wheat bread.  That did not go so well as you can see by this picture. 

Today's attempt is in the maker right now.  I've been peeking in the window and it actually looks like it will look like a loaf of bread when it’s done.  I’ll have to see about the taste.

I’m so glad that I have my healthy OrGano Gold coffee that I can drink to improve my health so that I don’t have to rely solely on my kitchen skills.  

Hope you enjoyed my little story.  If you have any cooking disasters that you'd like to share, I'd love to hear them.  


  1. Thanks for sharing Carole, I look forward to reading more about your journey to eat healthy

  2. My favorite part was that you "Borrowed" the bread maker a year or more ago....What is the statue of limitations on Borrowing vs KEEPING??
